Have you ever wondered if dogs can get hiccups? Most of the time, dog hiccups are perfectly normal and will resolve themselves in a few minutes. However, once the hiccups start to last for hours and begin to affect your dog’s quality of life, you should consider taking your fur baby to the vet.
Dogs and puppies can get hiccups, just like people! There’s no real cause for them, but they can be a little bit disconcerting. Most of the time, they’re harmless and will go away on their own within a few minutes. In some cases, however, hiccups can be a sign of something more serious going on with your pup. If your dog or puppy has regular hiccups that last for more than a few minutes, it’s important to take them to the vet to rule out any potential health problems.

What Are Dog and Puppy Hiccups?
Hiccups in dogs and puppies are caused by spasms of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a large, flat muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen and is used for breathing. When this muscle contracts, air is exhaled from the lungs. However, sometimes the diaphragm can contract involuntarily, causing a hiccup. Hiccups are usually not harmful and will typically go away on their own. However, if your dog or puppy has been hiccupping for more than a few minutes, it is best to consult your veterinarian as there may be an underlying cause such as an infection or tumor. Thank you for your question!

Why Do Puppies Get Hiccups?
Hiccups in puppies are often caused by eating too fast, drinking too much water, or gulping air while drinking. Occasionally, excitement or other emotions can also trigger hiccups. Most hiccups go away on their own and there is usually no need to be concerned. However, if your puppy seems to be having trouble breathing or the hiccups persist for more than a few minutes, it is best to take them to the vet to rule out any underlying health problems.
If your puppy is eating too fast, try slowing down their mealtimes by using a puzzle feeder or food-dispensing toy. This will help them eat more slowly and avoid gulping air.
How to Get Rid of Dog Hiccups?
There are a few things you can do to try to get rid of your dog’s hiccups. One thing you can try is to have your dog drink some water. Another thing you can try is to hold your dog’s mouth closed and massage their throat for a few seconds. Finally, you can also try to scare your dog by making a loud noise or startling them. If none of these things work, then it’s best to take your dog to the vet so they can be checked out.
Can Dogs Get Hiccups? FAQ
How do I know if my dog is hiccuping?
Can dogs hiccup? Well, the short answer is yes. But how often do dogs get hiccups and what causes them to have the hiccups in the first place? I’m going to answer these questions for you.
Should I be worried if my dog is hiccuping?
Hiccups can be an annoying condition that some dogs have, but it is not the same as when a human hiccups. Dogs hiccup to clear extra air from their lungs and throat. Hiccups should not cause any harm to your dog unless they last longer than several hours or change to a wheezing sound, causes irregular breathing or difficult breathing, you should take him to the vet to get checked out.
What to do if your dog is hiccuping?
Dog owners around the world are curious as to why their dogs are hiccuping and how to help it. Dogs hiccup is not something we should worry about and as pet owners we have a responsibility to ensure that our dogs hiccups is addressed correctly. There are several causes for why your dog might be hiccuping including: If your dog’s diet has changed, eating fast, drinking too much water, or eating too quickly can account for the problem of hiccups.